Daycare Frequently Asked Questions!


What does a day at daycare look like for my dog?

This depends a bit on your dog, but in general the dogs are split out into a few different play groups based on size, energy level, and temperament. Mornings are the highest energy play time, and when most of the dogs get their initial ‘crazy’ out. We’ll rotate dogs around as needed to keep play as safe and controlled as possible. If your dog is high energy, it’s best to bring them in earlier so they can get the most out of their day and less likely to come into a group that’s already worn themselves down.

The dogs naturally start settling later in the morning, and any lunches/breaks are done around this time as well. We do our best to encourage the dogs to settle down for naps, and split out the high energy dogs into their own space as needed.

Afternoon play continues until pickup, although generally with more rest periods. We visit our outdoor potty area about once an hour. We are not offering pack walks at this time.

What’s involved in an evaluation day?

The evaluation day is all about getting to know your dog, and helping them adjust to the new environment! Daycare is a very unique setting for dogs, and for first timers especially it can be quite overwhelming. We let each dog go at their own pace with getting settled (adjusting to all the new smells and sounds), and meeting new friends. For some this takes a few hours, and for others they’re ready to go off the bat!

How are dogs separated?

As a general rule we separate dogs based on size, temperament, and energy levels. The smaller dogs are usually in their own space for at least the morning (during the highest energy time), but depending on the group we may combine them with the bigger dogs in the afternoon. This helps with general socialization, confidence building, and manners. This may not always happen depending on the day/volume/dogs visiting.

Will my dog be crated during the day?

We absolutely can and do for some of our guests, but it is not part of our general structure. We try to have an ‘organic’ quiet time which usually happens anytime between 11-2 where the dogs have tired themselves out and are ready to relax. However we’re happy to give crate breaks if you request them, just talk to staff! (Crates are not in the pens with other dogs, we have several private rooms for crate breaks.)

Where do the dogs eliminate?

We have a large fully fenced outdoor area that we visit about once an hour for eliminations.

Are there risks bringing my dog to daycare?

Absolutely. Conflicts happen, our job is to manage our guests and mitigate that risk as much as possible. We will always communicate any altercations that occur, and we appreciate you letting us know of any incidents that happen outside of daycare as well so we can keep an eye on any changes in behaviour that might happen because of them.

There is also a risk of various ailments being passed between dogs. While all our guests are required to have their core vaccines, doggy coughs (kennel cough/bordatella, doggy colds) are fairly common and tend to cycle through once or twice a year. Various parasites and critters (lice, fleas, worms) can be passed between dogs as well. We strongly recommend all dogs stay up to date on their dewormers and anti-parasitic if they attend daycare.

Do you have webcams?

We don’t, but we do post videos and pictures throughout the day on our social media stories so you can follow along with their day! It all started when…

Have another question we didn’t answer? Text us at 587-436-2044 or get in touch through email!